Saturday, September 18, 2010

Utah - Feeling it Today

So this morning I was definitely feeling my workouts from last night. I only did 2 last night because I wanted to see how far I could push myself. Now I know, so no need to repeat that. :)
Timewise, I will usually only be able to do one workout anyway. I did Level 2 this morning with some extra sit-ups at the end. It's a challenge for me right now because part of the time I have to do the low intensity, so I'll stick with that one for awhile with 3 lb weights. I did great eating healthy until I went to help in the kitchen for a funeral lunch, and they were serving the BYU brownies. (Anyone who has had those knows how scrumptious they are). Ate 3 of them!! Dave made cookies AGAIN, and of course, I ate 3 of those too. Did have a salad for dinner, though.


Rachel Holloway said...

haha, Kathy you make me laugh!! :) Good thing you didn't drive by a Reeces sitting in the street!! TOTALLY KIDDING! (this is a way back HILARIOUS story for all you who don't know what I am talking about)

Good for you on doing your workout today! I am super impressed!

Kathy Whittle said...

Oh my gosh - I didn't know your mom ever told you that story! Looking back, VERY embarrassing!

Anonymous said...

Any day that I manage a workout at all is a good day, so I'm feeling pretty good so far! I can't seem to stop myself snacking on "bad carb" stuff, crackers, cookies and the like. If they're available, chances are I will eat them! Everyone has their nemesis; Steve likes a soda (Coke) but that doesn't draw me nearly as much as a cookie does :)

Nikki Nelson said...

Seems that someone needs to post a hilarious story about a Reece's in the street. Who wants to volunteer? Hahahaha!
Sounds like it's a funny one. But you don't have to tell the story if you don't want to. It's okay. I'm just teasing you guys.

Sarah said...

Again, I am totally impressed that you did two workouts on the same day. It's designed to just do one a day for 30 work your way up the levels as you go. So I bet you're sore!

And those BYU brownies are amazing!!! Especially the mint mouth is watering!

Rachel Holloway said...

alright Kathy...I dare you to share your funny story!

Nikki Nelson said...

Kathy, really, you don't have to share the story. (feelin the pressure! Haha! KIDDING!)

In all the distraction of the Reece's story, I forgot to tell you how impressed I am that you did TWO levels in the same day! You are AWESOME!
I think you totally deserved some BYU brownies... I'd like to try one now that I see they've got a great reputation.