Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 3 - a new day!

Should just skip Day 2 (yesterday), since it was a total bomb for me (and not just in eating and exercise) Didn't get the workout in in the morning, but ate healthy until a previously arranged lunch at Olive Garden. Only ate 1/2 a breadstick and was so proud of that, but had two bowls of the nocchi soup, which is just laden with fat!! So good though. Was okay at dinner, but then Dave made chocolate chip cookies with dough he'd found for 79 cents! I ate 4 large cookies right off the bat.

Today is a new day, though, and I just finished 40 minutes of a Jane Fonda workout video with the steps and weights. Threw in some situps too. Here's hoping for a much better day!


Rachel Holloway said...

way to focus on the good parts of the day, not just the pitfalls. It's great that you got moving!! That's what counts! :)

Nikki Nelson said...

Good job on pushing through, even though it wasn't a great day for you.
Threw in some situps too huh? I think that's awesome! Good for you!