Monday, September 20, 2010

Oregon - Day 7

Sorry I'm rather late posting today! I did get up and do my workout this morning. It was hard, and I was gasping for breath in the middle of a lot of it, but I did it. I was not good at all about my eating today, snacking on things that I shouldn't have, and my only excuse is that I was sitting in front of a computer all day today doing my training. It was rather boring, and I just wanted something for my mouth to do. Note to self: keep gum or hard candies handy to keep my mouth busy instead! I can definitely feel my calves more than I did yesterday, but I am looking forward to my body acclimating so that I can move forward :)


Rachel Holloway said...

it's definitely easy to overeat when sitting in front of a computer! Though, some reduced fat popcorn would be a great thing to have, because it's a good filling snack and you can eat quite a bit in a serving size!

Sarah said...

Good job! I have a much harder time working out first thing in the body just wants to be in bed still and I don't feel like eating before I work out, which I know would give me more energy.

Anyway, agree with Rachel on the fat free popcorn. Fruit, of course would also be good and easy to have on hand.

Nikki Nelson said...

I'm so sorry, I wasn't up with you yesterday (monday) morning. My alarm kept going off, and I kept saying to myself, get up, you're not going to be the only one up working out. Go workout with Calista Oregon. But I didn't. I just kept hitting the snooze button, and I didn't workout yesterday morning with you.
I'm glad you made it though... and I was working out with you today... assuming you worked out this morning. Ha! Ha!