Sunday, September 26, 2010

Need a kick in the pants here in Utah

Friday my alarm didn't go off, and time management for stuff just went downhill from there! Needless to say, I didn't get any kind of workout in that day except for a few sit-ups before my shower. Saturday I was up in Park City for the Bascom sisters retreat so didn't do the DVD workout, but did go on a nice run - gorgeous scenery, beautiful weather. My neice ran with me, so that was fun. Today is my day of rest, but tomorrow I need a good kick in the pants to get in gear and back on track. I also ate way too many yummy things at the retreat (so hard to say no!), so have to repent in that area too. My classes are proving to be a lot harder and more time consuming than I was thinking they'd be, so that has been extremely stressful, which has brought on the eating binges. Sometimes I wish I could put a lock on my mouth!


Sarah said...

Weekends are definitely hard! That is so fun that you do a sister retreat.

Good luck this week!

Rachel Holloway said...

what a weekend! So jealous of the little retreat!
We're all behind you to kick your rear in gear (gently, of course). You can do it!!!