Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oregon - Day 8

Alright, so I was off to a slightly later start today, but I made good use of my 1 hour lunch by doing my workout and shower then. I did better on my push-ups today, and I'm getting better at not gasping. I'm definitely going to be on level 1 for a bit longer, but I can see some improvements in the way that my body is responding. My walk has been a little slower yesterday and today, because the outer muscles on my calves are feeling the jumping jacks, but I don't mind that when I know that it means I've been working them :)


Rachel Holloway said...

yay!!! It makes such a difference when you can squeeze in that fitness time!! And I must say, I love a good burn! :) Makes me feel very productive!

Kathy Whittle said...

Did you already start your job officially at home? Way to get the workout done on your lunch hour!

Nikki Nelson said...

Wow! I love how committed you are! Exercising during your lunch break! You Rock!