Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sarah- Day 20...I think

So, I'm pretty sure I'm on day 20....2/3 of the way done. I have to say I am kind of excited for this challenge to end so I can get a nice, clean fresh start with a different goal.

Day 18 and 19 I took walks with the kids in the stroller...up a huge hill. Man, that killed me! Yesterday I had no energy and it was freezing and windy outside so we couldn't really go on a walk. Instead my "exercise" for the day was what I like to call kid exercise. I was lifting and carrying one of them most of the day (Emma insisted that her legs didn't work anymore....ha!) But it did give me a good arm workout.

Ten more days!


Nikki Nelson said...

Haha! I can just imagine Emma pretending her legs don't work!
Good job at getting outside with the kids in the stroller. I dread that, honestly. I think I prefer a dvd to pushing kids in a stroller. YUCK! Lol!
What was with yesterday! It was way too cold yesterday.

Here's to 10 more days!!!!

Rachel Holloway said...

That Emma...cracks me up!
I totally think stroller exercise is harder than regular. So good for you for getting out there and finding creative ways to be active! I am impressed!

Kathy Whittle said...

Hey,I've been walking too. Had to smile about Emma's legs not working. :) What happened to your hot weather?