Sunday, October 3, 2010

Marisa- beginning

Tomorrow. 6:30 a.m. I'm back at it. I think my goal for now is to get faster. I'd LOVE to be able to run a 7:00 minute mile someday. But that won't happen until I've done some hard work! Tomorrow, I'll do a mile and see how long it took me. Then I'll go from there.

Brian did great in his marathon, by the way. Ran it in 3 hrs. 50 minutes. He's currently asleep on the couch, of course. ;-)

I also need to figure out a better eating plan. I just eat a lot of bread. And cereal. And more bread. In the past  I've used SELF's website and looked at the "Eat Like Me" blog for ideas. The author of the blog is a registered dietitian, and most of her meals look edible. So in case you're interested, click here: Eat Like Me

So we've all seen the guy named Ben that did the youtube video- where he lost 120 pounds and ran a marathon. Just curious if anyone else is following his blog now?


Rachel Holloway said...

So I checked out the eat like me blog--am I missing something? because it looks like she writes a blurp about her day and posts a random picture of what she ate--even though it doesn't give info on what it was or how it was made-THAT's what I would be really interested in seeing!! So if I am missing it somewhere, please let me know! :)

YAY for getting to your goal! It's awesome that your hubby just finished his marathon! hooray!!!

As for following Ben's blog--I went and read it for a couple days, but that's where it ended for me. It sure is a great and inspirational video though!!

Sarah said...

Good for you! I'm excited to hear about your progress.

What is Ben's blog??? Maybe I missed something on the video?