Thursday, September 30, 2010

Workout - check

Have been up since 3 a.m., when I got up to nurse Carter. For whatever weird reason I just couldn't go back to sleep.

As I was climbing back into bed at 5:30, the little man woke up again. So I fed him, AGAIN and then decided to tackle Jillian.

New sports bra helped! yay!!!

I did 5 whole pushups in a row. Real pushups. And I am dang proud, because before I would stop and do like, every other one--halfheartedly. :) My legs felt super weak today after finishing. Wanted to crumble up in a ball on the couch. :)

But I got the workout in, and then walked Jenna to school. Good start to the day!

I also went running tonight...ran .8 mile without stopping. {I know, it's not much to most of you--but having never been a runner, I am slowly working up to big things!} Aiming for a mile tomorrow...
very excited.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Whoa! I'm impressed. I can't even make myself work out when I'm up at 6:30. Good job!