Anyway, I didn't finish my thought, having gotten up at a decent hour, I felt like I was more awake, and had more energy, which is strange for me to feel energetic even to the mildest effect. So I was feeling up to working out. I decided since I'm trying the 3lb weights for a while, and since I was in such a great mood to workout, I'd try level 3 again. So I did. I remembered that it kicked my butt, but just wanted a refresher on it I guess. Haha! Then I thought to myself, 'we're only on Day 9! Why am I already wanting to attempt level 3!? I'm just as insane as Jillian! LOL! But I'm hoping that making myself work so hard today will help me not snack on the bad stuff so much today, and maybe if I can get somewhat good at level 3, maybe I can kick this plateau I'm on, and go down in my weight that I've been stuck at for months now.
I also did half of the Ab Jam... the second half, that's on the floor. I'm really tried to focus on using my abs. I felt my abs real good, I hope I can feel sore core muscles tomorrow. That would be awesome!
So short report now:
-Day 9- Level 3 of The 30 Day Shred, with the 3lb weights, and second half of Ab Jam.
Also, I'd recommend using the 2lb or 3lb weights when you get to level 3. I've been using my 5lb weights for a long time in Levels 1 & 2, but I sure don't recommend using that heavy of weights for level 3. Try it out, you'll see what I'm talking about. Haha!
My new bra!
I LOVE IT! I emailed Rachel the link to the one that looks the closest to what I bought yesterday. I couldn't figure out how to get the link on here. I'm not completely tech savvy. But I'm gonna try and connect the link here:,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-100701/pid-283578/pgid-371394.
Well that was easy. But I don't know how to make it the word "here" and be able to click on that word to get to the web page. Oh well! Anyway, it's also got great ratings. I might buy a couple more, in different colors. I really was happy with how well it kept my girls in place. I bought a size smaller than I thought I'd need, and it's a good thing probably, because some of the reviews say then needed a smaller size too.
Sarah, I doubled up the sports bra's too, as you suggested. I think this new Nike bra did most of the work, but I did put my Champion sports bra on top of it, and I do think the two together did better than just the one of them could do. Thanks for the suggestion.
Something I forgot to mention yesterday... (I don't know HOW I could forget to mention this!)
While I was at Target, I bought some Pumpkin Spice Kisses! I was so excited, I'm afraid that the 'holiday's eating habit' is starting to set in ALREADY! Last year at one of my cousins weddings, these Pumpkin Spice Kisses were part of the center pieces. After the wedding I searched all of the stores! Target, Walmart, the local grocery stores, EVERYWHERE! for these puppies. I couldn't find them anywhere other than at the Hershey's website. I was in heaven when I found them yesterday! I grabbed three bags, held them to my chest and looked up in complete bliss. Then I threw them in my cart, and grabbed two more bags. That's how excited I was to see them!
I let my boys try them today, after lunch. They couldn't get enough of them either. I don't know what it is about pumpkins, but I am positive that my two boys and I are addicted to anything to do with pumpkins. Pumpkin pie, cookies, cakes, carvings, paintings, ANYTHING! We're so hooked it's pathetic. Anyway, if you see them in your store, get a bag and try them out.
Onto other randomness...
The heading doesn't really bother me. But I do like "Shredders Anonymous". Here's a pic that you might wanna put up instead. (I tried, but I don't have authority for it I guess.) I got this pic from googling "Jillian Michael's before and after" images.

While googling that I also saw a t-shirt that I thought would be another good option too, "Unless you faint, puke, or die, keep walking." -Jillian Michael's
See y'all again tomorrow!
Glad you found a bra that works for you! So exciting!
I LOVE that last quote...haha! That would be a great one to put on our header.
Oh and good job on doing level 3...I did try it once a few days ago, but it was a pretty pathetic effort. I think I'll wait till closer to day 20 to try it again.
Wow - Level 3, awesome! You're giving me something to shoot for. And I'll definitely have to find some of those pumpkin kisses.
ya, level 3--puttin' me to shame girl!
I am hoping to go REAL bra shopping tomorrow, when I have some time and no kids. DYING to find something that works...gonna check yours out--they had that kind in my sporting goods store, so I will check it out there!
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