Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sarah Day 8

I got up early to work out this morning...6:20, which I know isn't early to some of you.  :)  I had great plans for working out and showering and being all ready for the day before the kids got up. But my plans were ruined 10 minutes into the workout when I heard Matthew's little voice calling for me. UGH! He came wandering in and I tried to talk him into sitting down and playing with toys. I even bribed him with chocolate. He took the chocolate and then stood right in front of me, grabbing my legs or sitting on my stomach the whole time. Totally lame workout! I'm definitely going to get at least one more little ab workout in today. I realized this morning that I am not sore anywhere. I'm hoping it's because I'm used to the workout and not because I'm not doing anything effective anymore!


Rachel Holloway said...

way to go for even trying. :) Seriously, sometimes that's half the battle. Hoping you can figure out the schedule to have some alone fitness time...because it sounds pretty darn impossible right now!! lol

Kathy Whittle said...

Hang in there! It really is hard with children - Emily used to do the same thing. My guess would be that your body is getting used to the workout.

Nikki Nelson said...

My boys wake up early too, when they hear me working out. But they just cuddle up on the couch and watch me. I use to do the same thing when I was a kid.
I agree with Rachel and Kathy. Sometimes trying is half the battle, and you're body's probably getting use to the workout.
Good luck tomorrow!