Friday, September 24, 2010

Nicia- Day 3

Just finished Day 3! I didn't grunt and yell nearly as much today as I did yesterday. :) My hubby also gave my ache-e muscles a massage last night, so that might have helped. I know, I'm pretty much spoiled.
However, I definitely think it was better on me to workout in the early morning while the kids were still sleeping. I waited an hour after eating breakfast to do the workout, but I was still cramping and feeling like I had a ton of bricks in my belly, so I'm going to stick with your guys' advice and just have like a banana or something beforehand.
And I might do 3 lb. weights to ease into each levels. I don't know yet. I haven't decided. I think I'll just play it by ear.
Anyway, good work out today! Debating whether I should go on a jog too. That video Sarah posted definitely made me want to take advantage of the outdoor weather while I still can here in Cheyenne!

1 comment:

Rachel Holloway said...

ya, definitely get outside before the weather comes!!! It's a LOOOOONG winter over there!