Me- 7 years ago...

Right now I have two goals... the usual effective things for getting healthy...
Goal 1- loose weight
Goal 2- eat healthier
Goal 1- is to loose another 15- 20 lbs. This is probably not completely realistic. But I'd love to have the body I had when I got married... and I've only been married for 6.5 years. So far I have lost 18 lbs, from the beginning of the year. At the beginning of the year, I weighed the most I have ever weighed, besides my pregnancies. I need to get rid of this double chin that creeping up on me too. Double chin = YUCK!

It has been hard to stay motivated. Partly because I can't see much of a difference in myself after loosing the 18 lbs, and you expect to be complimented, but it doesn't happen. I've only had one person truely compliment me. I can feel a difference in the way my clothes fit though, and that's a great feeling.
So to try and keep myself motivated, besides willingly joining this awesome program,
I took a side and front pic of myself this morning. I'm mortified of this gut I've not gotten rid of after having kids, but hopefully those pic's will also help to keep me motivated. (I can't believe I just informed everyone that I took a 'before' pic! Don't expect me to post it! lol!)
Goal 2- to try and eat more healthy. Not that I'm a always unhealthy in my diet. But I definately could do more to make better, healthier choices.

To report for -DAY 1- (yesterday) I didn't get a good workout in, but I did walk my oldest to school, and ran some errands. I was exhaused yesterday from jetlag, and lack of sleep from a long weekend.
So today -DAY 2- I did Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred. I am surprised at myself and how well I did. It's been almost 3 months since I've been able to workout, for various reasons, and I'm impressed with myself! I also did a 20 minute workout from Turbo Jam called Ab Jam. I'm hoping I really feel sore in my core tomorrow. My core is what needs the most work.
Thanks for getting all of this started Sarah!
For what it's worth, I really do think you look great now. But I understand what you're saying too...we see all of our little trouble spots more than other people do.
I'm excited that you're doing this challenge with me...well, with all of us! :)
You look fantastic in those pictures! ALL OF THEM! I think it's fabulous you are working at your goal and not backing down. Am excited to see your progress!
Sarah- Thanks for the compliments! I'm glad you started this. I'm excited to be involved in it. Thank you!
Rachel- Thank you for the compliments! I'm really hoping I can drop some more lbs. But there is part of the gene pool I'm fighting, and when I was prego with my second/ youngest, I lost all self-discipline with my eating habits. It's amazingly hard to get my old habits back. Who'd of thunk it?
Anyway, thanks. I think we can all make some great progress!
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