Sunday, September 19, 2010

Who's Who

Since today is my day off from exercising, and everyone has been slowly introducing themselves, I thought it would be fun to tell who's who and how we're all connected (or I guess how I know everybody, since everybody knows me).

Rachel is my older sister. And she is awesome and fun and always does super cool things with her 4 really cute kids. She lives way over in Ohio, but hopefully she'll move a little closer when her husband finishes med school next year. :)  She just had her fourth baby (and 3rd BOY!) and is doing an amazing job losing weight.

Kathy is my aunt, who lives in Utah. She's got 4 kids and 5 stepkids and 4 really cute grandbabies. She is gorgeous and super skinny and doesn't look old enough to be a grandma.  :)  I was able to get to know her pretty well growing up and then she was my Utah mom while I went to BYU, which I was (and still am) incredibly grateful for. She is going back to school AND working. Super mom!

Calista is my cousin...actually my oldest cousin.  She lives in Oregon, has 2 really cute kids, and is also going back to school and working (but you all knew this already!). Another super mom! She is incredibly involved in scouting with her son, which I really admire.

Nikki lives up the road from me, in Millbrae. We were in the same ward for 2 years, but sadly I didn't really get to know her until right before we moved (only 10 minutes farther but in a different ward now). She has two adorable little boys, loves Halloween and Disneyland, and goes to Utah a lot to visit family. I think she is SO brave to do that drive by herself with kids, but maybe her kids are just a lot better in the car than mine.  :)  She is so sweet and funny and makes really good granola.

Marisa (Marisa, are you still here???) was my roommate for a year-ish while I was at BYU. She is from a lot of different places, but currently lives in Colorado with her hilarious husband and super cute little boy and girl. She can do a really good English accent and is just an all around great person.

So there you have it. 5 states. An age range from early 20's to late 40's. All in different stages of life, but all with kids and all wanting to tone up and/or lose some baby weight.  :)

I am SO glad you guys are all along for this crazy little journey and I am so glad this little blog has been such a success so far. Sadly, I have to admit that I didn't really think it would take off, but this has been AWESOME so far! It has been so fun to hear about everyone's progress and to be able to get to know everyone a little better...and to see you all get to know each other. I love that we can open up to each other and share pretty much everything. I feel like we have a great group of friends.

So, here's to 24 more days of craziness! I'm excited to see (and hear) how it goes!


Rachel Holloway said...

Thanks for the fun intro SArah--even though I obviously know the ones we're related to, it's fun to hear your descriptions and meet the other newbies. :)

I am really glad you're doing this. I had been wanting to write some stuff on my family blog, but felt like I would be constantly writing about food or exercise and such...which sounded SOOOO boring. So it's nice to have this little place to get it all out and have people to relate to it. :) Thanks for starting this!!

Anonymous said...

Ditto, Rachel! Thanks for the intros to everyone Sarah :)

Kathy Whittle said...

Thanks so much for putting this post up. It was great to read about everyone and get to know them better. And it was SO fun to have you living here - you both were such great examples to my children - we really do miss you guys! I really appreciate being able to have somewhere to talk about this weight/body stuff because it's always in the back of my mind. Thanks a bunch!

Nikki Nelson said...

I agree with Rachel- it's fun to hear you introduce us all. Thanks for putting this up. I've been wondering for a while how you knew everyone.
I also didn't think this blog would have much success, which is why I brushed it off when you mentioned it. But as I noticed that more people were committing, I wondered if I could be wrong. I'm glad we both were wrong!