I was THANKFUL the boys didn't have preschool, because it meant only having one person to get to school.
I got the 30 day shred started. Wondering if you guys know how to pass the whole intro. It makes me watch it every time and it's quite annoying!!
I used the workout as leverage to get the kids dressed--they were all so anxious to work out with me. And they looked really cute doing so.
Still no sports bra, so I ended up wrapping my arms in a self hug during all bouncy activity to keep the girls in place...Spencer followed exactly, and was SO proud! Made me laugh.
I was interrupted by 2 phone calls. sigh.
And during the cool down, Spencer (3) accidentally dropped my handweight right on Jenna's face. So, that was the end of it. She has a big black eye--showed up right away. It's going to be a bad one...darn it!
But I got it in for the day, the best I could.
The pushups kick my trash big time...will I ever be able to really complete one that isn't totally weaksauce? I am wondering. And I am desperately trying to figure out how to do GOOD crunches that don't make your neck hurt.
Passing the intro... Mine will let me hit the menu button to bring me forward to Jillian talking, and then again to get to the menu itself. Once I select the workout, I have to just wait...
The mental picture of your kids following along is funny :) Mine are still snoozing while I'm doing my workout. Kellen wouldn't want to do that with me, and Madison is not really alive at that hour of the morning!
I know what you mean on the push-ups, because I flop on the floor at least twice per set. As for the crunches, keep your chin tilted toward the ceiling, and pull with your stomach. Obviously, you should never pull up on your neck in order to make the crunch. I know that still tends to leave the muscles on the front of my neck sore for a couple days... Best of luck!
I used to have that same problem with having to start it at the very beginning every time. Now I just stop the dvd right after the cool down but before she finishes talking and the next time I watch it, it goes straight to the levels menu.
I hope Jenna's black eye heals soon! What a bummer!
Wow - kudos to you for doing the workout after getting to bed at 3 am! Hope Jenna feels better soon.
Sarah, I would have done that, but someone else switched out the DVD. Dang it! :)
Oh, I take it out after every workout...cuz if I don't I know the kids will. Our dvd player has some memory thing, where it starts up right where you left off every time. Try letting the workout end and loop back to the levels menu and then shut it off there. Or try what Calista said...I've never tried that.
HUGE KUDOS RACHEL! Getting to bed that late, then getting up and still committing to your workout!
I can't pass the intro either. I usually put it on, then go grab my water, weights, get my shoes on, do some stretching, and by the time I'm ready, it's been ready for a bit. Just an idea.
My kids are so cute when they wanna workout with me, I can imagine the same thing happening at your place. So cute!
I'm sure that Jenna's black eye wasn't funny at the time, but I had to laugh when I read that. I can imagine her going to school (assuming she's school age???) and getting asked WOW! How'd you get that black eye!? Ha! Ha!
Crunches, my neck hurts too, I sometimes get headaches. I really try my best to keep my chin up, and use my abs. It's just not a natural thing for me to do I guess. I feel like I struggle all the time. No wonder I've got this gut on me! lol!
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