Saturday, September 18, 2010

Oregon - Day 5

Alright, so I didn't get a real workout in yesterday... Bummer. But I was still feeling incredibly sore from the day before, so I'm not sure I'd have held out through another workout yet anyway. I'm kind of a weanie that way.

I didn't do an actual workout today, either, but did go for a 2 1/2 hour horse back ride at a scout camp. Steve's boss was providing a "fun day" for the employees and that included a ride on the camp horses, for those who wanted to go. Kellen wanted to go, but kids had to have an adult with them and, since Steve hates riding horses, I went with him.

I was rather excited this afternoon though when I checked the mail after we got home and found that Jillian had arrived! I'm hoping to actually start that tomorrow, although it will have to afternoon because getting us all ready for church and out the door by 830am gets a little cramped. I could manage it if I got up at 530am, though. We'll see.

In the meantime, I do have a new job. It's a legit work-from-home job as a "Business Support Associate". As a bi-lingual employee, I get $11/hour, and they require a minimum of 30 hours a week. There is a cable and phone hooked up to our wireless router, so that the calls come in via the internet. I have training from 9am-5pm (online) all next week, which means arranging for someone to pick Madison up from school every day. After that, I go online to schedule myself for the shift that works within my schedule (2-hour, 4-hour, and 6-hour shifts available), making a minimum of 30 hours and a maximum of 40 hours. When a call comes in, based on the number that the individual is dialing, a prompt shows up on my computer screen to instruct me on how to answer the phone. As I understand it, it is mostly people making appointments for things, requesting account information, or leaving messages (like the after-hours answering service at your doctor's office). It's not very interesting, but the money is decent, the hours are flexible (critical for working around all the schedules in our house!), and it lets me practice using my Spanish. It'll still be tough finding time for doing my homework, but that strikes me as the only down-side, at the moment. We'll see how it goes.


Nikki Nelson said...

Congrats on the job! Good luck on getting the schedule figured out. I'm having a hard time figuring out my schedule as well. Well, without making myself be more of a morning person than I already have to be. Hahahaha!

Rachel Holloway said...

yay for the job!!! And yay for your new video coming! :)

Kathy Whittle said...

Yes, congrats for the job! How many credits are you taking? That will definitely be a challenge to work 30 hours a week and go to school, but you're almost done, right?

Count your horseback riding as your workout for the day!

Sarah said...

Congrats on the job! I would LOVE to be able to find something like that.

I'd definitely count the horse back ride...if you're sore, than it definitely worked some muscles!