Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oregon - Day 2

Obviously, still waiting for the Shred to arrive, so I went at the WiiFit again this morning. Today I did a lot more Yoga and Strength stuff than Cardio, falling just shy of 200 cal. Not great, but not bad, considering it's getting me off the couch and prepping for doing the Shred. I am definitely feeling my shoulders and hips from yesterday's stuff, so I was specifically trying to work different areas today.

I am also trying to find better ways of eating, starting with breakfast, which around our house isn't usually that healthy. We bounce around between hot/cold cereal, pancakes (or french toast, or waffles, or german pancakes) topped with butter and syrup (or some other sugar form), and the meat, egg, and potato combo. This morning was cold cereal, and I just didn't feel like loading in the carbs right off the bat; it makes me feel like a failure before my day has even started. Instead, I went for a breakfast shake of yogurt, frozen cherries, and a 1/2 cup of milk (passed on the sugar I usually add to that), and will scramble myself an egg. At the moment, I feel like those unhealthy carbs are stretching out before me like an impassable mine field, providing numerous opportunities for making unhealthy choices throughout my day. I need to find some ways around those, without bringing on mutiny from other members of the house... Maybe, for now, it needs to just be me making the changes... Not sure yet.


Sarah said...

The food can be a hard thing, but stick with it. You'll find little tricks and things you can do to healthify things...and I found that 99% of the time if I didn't say anything about the changes I'd made, nobody noticed.

As for breakfasts- I love doing smoothies with fruit, spinach, and a thing of Yoplait light yogurt. I also do eggs (1 egg+ 1 egg white and then throw in a bunch of veggies- bell peppers, spinach, onions, mushrooms, etc. Sometimes I'll do it breakfast burrito style (you can get healthier versions of tortillas) or on an english muffin. And I always eat a piece of fruit with it.
Hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

Here's where it get difficult for me: Steve isn't big on fruits, and will not touch onions, green peppers, mushrooms or tomatoes with a 10-ft pole (some allergies, some he just dislikes) so incorporating healthy choices for everyone gets really hard. I am capable of doing it just for me, but then I have to make two meals, almost... Ugh!

Kathy Whittle said...

Yep, I hear ya - I never wanted to cook two meals either. For eggs, though, you could have your veges already cooked, then toss some in with your eggs at the end. I used to fry up a whole bunch of veges at one time and keep them in a bowl in the fridge, then just take out what I needed. Pancakes are great with fruit and a little cool whip on top, can still offer syrup to the fam if they want. Last week I tried the spinach in the smoothie thing and my family never knew!

Nikki Nelson said...

I LOVE to hear all the food ideas. It really helps motivate me to do better with my eating. Thanks guys.