Thursday, September 16, 2010

Moving Right Along

I keep wanting to work out in the morning before the kids wake up, since they usually sleep until 7 or 7:30. But as soon as I decided to do that Matthew has woken up at 6 or 6:30...go figure! I can't work out while he's awake, because no matter what he's doing, as soon as he sees me working out he wants me to hold him or he wants to sit on me when I'm laying down. Just doesn't work! SO, the last 2 days I have worked out in the evening. I kind of like it, but I would like to be able to work out in the AM too. I tend to make better food choices when I start the day with a workout. Maybe I'll try going on walks in the morning and shredding in the evening...

As of day 3, I am SORE. Mostly just my thighs and shoulders. Wishing I was feeling it in the abs. I should probably throw in some extra ab workouts throughout the day since that's the area I really want to see a difference in.

(On a random side note, does anyone want to have comments emailed to them that doesn't know how to set it up? It's much easier to follow conversations, especially for this blog where we have a lot of questions and discussions going on. If you want them emailed to you and don't know how to do it, let me know and I can set it up for you.)


Kathy Whittle said...

A kudos to you for exercising in the evening. I'm usually way too tired to start any kind of exercising at night time. With being sore, your workout sounds like it's working, though - awesome!

Rachel Holloway said...

way to go!! I like your idea of walks in the morning...its nice to get the kids involved...without being TOO involved! lol

Rachel Holloway said...

hey could you add my email to the comments? I went in to do it myself, but it won't let me--doesn't give the option even. So, if you could add me on, that would be great!

Anonymous said...

Ditto to Rachel's comment about having comments emailed to me...