Jon finished his part of the movie at work, so he is done with his 70+ hour work weeks! When he left work Saturday afternoon his supervisor told him to call in sick today and enjoy the day. So he did and it was SO nice.
I was able to get my workout in in the morning with no kids under my feet. It was great. I did level 1 today...and I have to make a confession. There are a couple exercises on each of the levels that I just don't like. At all. On level 1 it is the side lunges and...oh I know there's something else, just can't think of it right now. So, instead of doing those I substitute for an exercise that I like better. Maybe that's cheating, but it works for me.
(Oh and after I worked out and showered, I got to go shopping for 4 hours BY MYSELF and FOR myself, with birthday money that Jon's parents gave me. It really was a good day!)
How nice that Jon could be home today! He really works for a great company. I do the same thing you do - there's one exercise on Level 2 that I don't like so I do something else instead too - I don't think it's cheating at all, I'm moving the whole time and working the same muscles. So glad you got to shopping for yourself - you deserve it!
super nice day! I am really happy for you. You deserve not only the time to workout, but the shopping! DId you get any new fun outfit? You should post a pic here with you in it!!! I wanna see!
Sounds like a GREAT day!
I'm with you and Kathy,I also substitute some moves sometimes. I don't think it's cheating either.
Like on level 2, I don't like the high knees (jogging in place) so I do the butt kicks instead. I also HATE the double jump rope! But I do do it singled.
Level 1 I hate the side lunges also, and their is something else too. I can't remember what either.
Glad you had such a great day! I wanna see your outfits too! Time to get the camera out baby!!!
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