Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 4. Today, I met Jillian.

Video came in the mail yesterday. I was excited to do it today--but then I didn't wake up early, and had to nurse my baby after getting up--so it was a tight squeeze fitting in the workout before running the kids to school.

Talk about serious sweat! YUCK! lol

It was intense--and that's without me even using handweights! (need to pick some up this weekend!) wow. But my body feels good and I am glad I fit it in this morning.

I have to ask though, does anyone else have a serious pain issue when laying on their back to do the crunches? My lower back (more like the top of my buttox) is super sore to the touch, and trying to do the crunches is extremely painful!

Have GOT to figure out the bra situation too--because her workout is not for bouncy boobs! lol. My nursing bra that I bought 20 pounds ago was such a joke to try to do jumping jacks in. :) The search is on for a good workout bra--or doing the double thing. Something....gotta figure that out!


Sarah said...

Haha! Glad you two finally met. :) So, do you think she's there to stay or are you kicking her out?

I don't have the back pain, though I have in the past. You just need to stretch...a lot. Do the windmill stretches (standing up, bend down and touch the opposite foot), and the standard bend down and touch your toes. Maybe google lower back stretches and find some that work for you.

Hope you get your weights (I'd recommend either 2 or 3 lb, maybe both so you can work up. It doesn't sound like much but you feel it!) and your bra situation figured out. I got my sports bra at Target. It's just the Champion brand...nothing fancy but it does the job.

Rachel Holloway said...

I think that I will do it a couple times a week--part of my problem is that I don't always have the time to fit a really sweaty workout in in the morning--I suppose I could try it at night--I just know that I was so yucky that even though I normally wouldn't have washed my hair today, I HAD TO! Am going to try to figure out a way to fit it in even a couple days a week--but either way, going to keep up with my 30 day commitment. :)

Anonymous said...

If you're lacking real weights, another way to fit them in is to grab cans of food off your pantry shelf. They're not quite as heavy, but then working up to something bigger is sometimes a good thing. Besides, any resistance helps :)

Nikki Nelson said...

So, now that you've met... how do you like her? Hahaha!

I'm going to comment on my post today about foam rolling exercises./ stretches... or tomorrow, if I don't get around to posting today.

I'd get both 2lb and 3lb weights, and get a mat, or use a beach towel as a mat. I personally use a towel, I also use a hand towel as a 'wipe my sweat off' towel.

I also use to wash my hair every other day, and am having to wash my hair every day with this workout. It's a very intense workout! Esp for 20 minutes!

Rachel Holloway said...

I have a yoga mat, it's just kind of thin. And I am heading out today to get some weights!