Thursday, September 16, 2010

DAY 3 - 17 minutes....and a BRA question.

Today I tried out a video on my Netflix instant queue--a dance video--I thought I would rock it. Instead I was just reminded of how uncoordinated I am. I spent most of the video making up my own moves because I couldn't follow the instructor's fast enough! lol. I was quite the sight!

After that, I started a 10 minute cardio kickboxing (also via netflix), and that just made me feel awkward and like I wasn't doing it right. I was hanging in there, but after a few minutes of listening to my baby scream, I gave it up and went to take care of him. So, I made it in 17 minutes...and plan on fitting in the other 3 by jogging to pick up my daughter from school later today.

Jillian should arrive in my mailbox we will see how that goes. :)

I am wondering, as a total sidenote, if any of you can suggest a great sports bra. I have a "fuller" chest and it's impossible to find something that will hold the girls in place! Anyone else have this issue and know of a solution?


Anonymous said...

I absolutely know what you're talking about on the lack of coordination! I did an instant-view on Netflix this morning, too and was periodically frustrated with not being able to keep up. I'm usually okay if we're only moving one area of the body at a time, but if you want me to move arms and legs at the SAME time, I'm going to have problems :) Just hang in there, because uncoordinated activity is better than no activity at all and (my personal hope) if we keep doing it then we'll learn the moves and be able to better focus the muscles for a better impact (fingers crossed).

As for the bra, I got nuthin'. Sorry. Chests are not all equal, and mine is decidedly less-equal.

Good luck!

Kathy Whittle said...

Have another less-equal over here. Would Victoria Secret have anything to help you?

Sarah said...

Hang in there. The coordination does come...just give it a few days to get used to it.

About the bra...wear two...preferably two different ones. I had several roomates throughout college who all did that. Or you could wear your normal bra with a sports bra over it.

And on a random side note, I agree with Nikki about Jillian. She can be extremely annoying, but the workout works. With each level, I leave the volume on for the first couple times until I'm familiar with all the instructions and now I just mute it and turn on other music or watch a movie while I do it. She MUCH less annoying that way. :)

Nikki Nelson said...

I, too, am not well coordinated. It takes a while for me to get the moves down, then to start using the correct technique to be feeling it where I'm suppose to be feeling it. I hear ya with all that!
Sarah- I'll have to try the two bra's thing. I'm interested in trying it. I wanna go find a different style bra/ sports bra than what I've got now. Not that it'll be much different... seems sports bras are all about the same, right?