So, it turns out the sun isn't up until almost 7 now. That makes me kind of sad. You can really tell in the past week that summer really is on its way out here in Colorado. Sniff. I don't want summer to leave. I think I'm the only one. That's okay; you don't have to agree.
Anyway, so the mile... welp, it went. 12 minutes. Man, it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. And it took me a whole 2 minutes longer than my 5K time. When I come in the door all slumped over with tiredness and disappointment, Brian said, "Yeah, but you'd be surprised how fast it comes back." And that's true; I've experienced that for myself. Even with my limited running experience. So hopefully next week will be a bit better.
Ben Does Life blog
I don't know that it's terribly interesting, but I like to see other people conquer something and keep at it, y'know?
Oh, and the Eat Like Me blog. She doesn't *usually* post anything about what/how she made what she ate, but I am a visual person, I guess. Pictures pretty much do it for me. Most of the time I can tell what it is I'm looking at. And you can post comments and ask how she made it, etc. Once in awhile she does actually talk about her food. And when she first started it, she ALWAYS mentioned her meals. Which I think would still be a nice thing for us readers.
You're a maniac! 12 minutes just blows my mind! I remember having to run the mile and a half in middle school, and it SO SUCKED! I was always the last, or close to the last, runner in. I was shocked when you wrote that your goal is 7 minutes. I thought..."is that even possible? Really."
So I definately think you did great with 12 minutes. I think it's awesome! Good job!
Marisa! You should feel good about even getting out there! I'm positive your running stuff will come back even better than before. Give it some time!!
And about the blog--I agree it's nice to see people stick with something, overcome's probably a blog I will pop in on now and then...
And the food thing--I was super excited you sent us that way, because I love new healthy meal ideas. Guess I was just taken by surprise that she didn't label her things...I mean, say for example there is a picture of chili (which there might be, I just can't recall right off the top of my head). Is this regular chili from a can? turkey chili? meatless chili? Ya know? What are some things she stears TOWARDS and AWAY from in the food department. Guess that's what I was thinking she would put.
But it's fun to see so much yummy food in one place! lol
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