Yes, I am still here! I know, it's been about a week since I've posted. I just love reading and commenting on your posts, and then I don't have time to write my own.
So I've worked out every day except Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and today- Monday. So that really only leaves Wednesday and Thursday last week. Wow, I'm a slacker!
I've decided that I'm not going to workout on the weekends unless there really isn't anything else to do, which will probably never happen, but leaves it open to possibilites, right?
Mondays are going to be rough too, since that's the day I help out in T1's Kindergarten class. But if I can really commit to getting up before the butt crack of dawn, then this might be possible. However, I really don't have any reason most other days to slack, and I really need to get-r-done! I think I'm probably going to try and do some more of my Turbo Jam exercises too. I have a love/ hate relationship with Jillian. But I really do love Chalene aka Turbo Jam too. Her music really helps carry me through the workouts too, something I wish I had with Jillian.
Even if I can do the 20 minute Turbo Jam on Mondays or something, that'd be great. I, too, haven't lost any weight since starting this challenge. I would love to loose another 10-15 lbs. I would be thrilled with that. However, I know that it's not a matter of working out more... at least not anymore. It's a matter of disciplining myself with the sweets. I love my fruits, I love my veggies, but I also love my carbs, and unsaturated fats too! They're so yummy! So, in order to help discipline myself with what I shove in my mouth, I have posted a couple of food pyramids in my kitchen. In hopes that it will remind me of how much I can eat that day, of whatever food group.

I like the top one, not only because it's got it all grouped well, but also because it's got the water on the bottom, which is something I really need to work on.
I like the middle one also, and it's the one I printed off, and have posted in my kitchen.
The one at the bottom, is the best looking one, in my opinion, of the newest style, and it's only the kids on it that make it somewhat worth standing. But I really don't care for it at all! ... okay, I'm done venting about that. Haha!
I need new, good, healthy recipes (that aren't seafood please). So would we all like to share our favorite recipe that's healthy? I'd love more ideas for lunch especially! But really any meal-time recipe would be great! I'm willing to share too, if this is something we're wanting to do. Please give your feedback.
P.S. I hope you guys don't mind the pic's every post. I like to post pic's.
Totally great idea on the healthy meals! would love a little swap, so to speak. I agree on the weird running person pyramid. LAME-O!
And I've just got to ask...
What does T1 stand for? (obviously a name...but what?!) ;)
I'd also love new healthy recipes. Always on the look out for more!
Rach- T1 is Tug and T2 is Tucker. :)
So glad that I'm not the only one that hates the new pyramid! THANK YOU!
I'd love to swap recipes! I'm always wanting a new, good recipe! So even if it ends up just being you and me (which I don't think it will be, but just in case), that'll be just fine with me!
I have two boys, both of their names start with T. So on the amazing world wide web, I refer to them as T1 (for the oldest) and T2 (for the youngest). Some people refer to those as 'thing 1' and 'thing 2', since they don't know their names. But as you see on FB, they're names are in the album I made of them... which hasn't been updated in forever... and I also put their real names on my private blogs too... which also haven't been updated in forever. I guess I've just started to become more cautious. Haha!
Oops...sorry to put their names up Nikki. I thought you were just trying to shorten them...didn't know you didn't want them out here. Sorry!
It's okay Sarah, I would've deleted your comment if it'd been that big of a deal to me. It's totally fine.
I also decided to do the T1 & T2 because then I don't always have to explain that Tug is his real name, it's not short for anything. LOL!
I get why people ask, and I get that it's a unique name, and I get that those kinds of questions just come when you give unique names to your kids. But I don't always like to explain it. Ha!
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